Here are some tips on how to have an organized home, as well as some hacks

Alrighty then, let’s turn this organisation advice into a party for your stuff! (For those of you more sensible, there’s a simple version further in!).

Decluttering Extravaganza: Say goodbye to things you don’t use, need, or love. It’s like giving your home a Marie Kondo-approved makeover! Chuck out those items that make your space look like a garage sale rejected by time travelers.

Party of Like Items: Let’s play a game of home item matchmaking! Keep cleaning supplies in one cabinet, office supplies in another drawer, and clothes all snuggled up in their wardrobe/closet nest. It’s like organising a family reunion for your belongings—no more awkward encounters between your misplaced pens and rogue socks.

Container Caboodle: Behold the magical wizards of organisation – storage containers and bins! They’re like the superheroes of tidying up, swooping in to rescue your smaller items from the chaos. Now your place can look neat and have a secret lair for tiny treasures.

Labelmania: Embrace the power of labeling! It’s like giving your belongings their own name tags at a party. No more hide and seek – now you can easily locate your items and avoid that awkward moment when you can’t find your favorite spatula.

Habit Happy Hour: Make it a habit to put things away ASAP! It’s the VIP treatment for your belongings. Just like a celebrity exit, they get whisked away to their designated spots, leaving your space paparazzi-ready at all times.

Command Central: Introducing the headquarters of your life – a command center! Think of it as the control room for important papers and to-do lists. It’s not just a clipboard; it’s the director’s chair for your organisational blockbuster.

Over-the-Door VIP Access: Turn your doors into storage VIP lounges! Shoes, accessories, and other items get the red carpet treatment with over-the-door organisers. Your wardrobes/closets will thank you for the extra space.

Under-Bed Vacation Spot: Give your stuff a holiday under the bed! Store those non-daily items like seasonal clothes and decorations in the under-bed paradise. It’s like a storage vacation – they come back feeling refreshed and ready to mingle.

Stackable Bin Tower: Maximize your kitchen cabinet real estate with the Bin Tower of Power! Stackable bins are like the skyscrapers of organisation, creating a city skyline for your food and kitchen items. Move over, clutter – there’s a new sheriff in town!

Drawer Diva: Let your drawers channel their inner diva! Drawer dividers are like the VIP ropes at the club, keeping everything in line and preventing drawer chaos. No more tangled mess – just organised bliss.

Label Maker Magic: Step into the enchanted world of label makers! Bestow names upon your storage containers and food bags, transforming your place into an organized kingdom. It’s like a royal decree for your belongings.

Basket Boogie: End the day with a Basket Boogie! Collect items that need a home in a designated basket or tray. It’s the perfect choreography for a swift end-of-day cleanup – just toss everything into the basket, and voila, instant order!

Key Command Center: Give your keys, wallet, and essentials their own VIP lounge! No more last-minute scavenger hunts – just grab your stuff and strut out the door. It’s like a daily VIP meet-and-greet for your essentials.

Cleaning Carnival: Join the Cleaning Carnival! Create a schedule and stick to it like glue. It’s like having a cleaning coach, ensuring your home stays spick and span without the overwhelm. Cue the confetti for a consistently clean space!

Family Fiesta: Make organising a family fiesta! Get everyone involved – it’s a group effort to turn your home into an organised paradise. Teamwork makes the dream work, and in this case, the dream is a clutter-free home!

So, putting it simply –


  • Declutter regularly. Get rid of anything you don’t use, need, or love. 
  • Put like items together. This will make it easier to find what you’re looking for and to keep your home tidy. For example, keep all of your cleaning supplies in one cabinet, all of your office supplies in one drawer, and all of your clothes in one wardrobe/closet.
  • Use storage containers and bins. These can help to corral smaller items and keep them from getting cluttered.
  • Label everything. This will make it easy to put things away and to find them when you need them.
  • Make it a habit to put things away where they belong immediately after you use them. This will help to prevent clutter from building up.


  • Use a command center to keep track of important papers, schedules, and to-do lists. This can be a simple wall-mounted clipboard or a more elaborate system with drawers, shelves, and a bulletin board.
  • Use over-the-door organisers to store shoes, accessories, or other items. This can help to free up space in your closets and cabinets.
  • Use under-bed storage to store items that you don’t use on a daily basis, such as seasonal clothes or decorations.
  • Use stackable bins to store food and other items in your kitchen cabinets. This will help to maximize your storage space.
  • Use drawer dividers to keep your drawers organised and to prevent things from getting jumbled up.
  • Use label makers to label everything from storage containers to food storage bags. This will help you to stay organised and to find what you need quickly.

Here are some additional hacks that may be helpful:

  • Use a basket or tray to collect items that need to be put away at the end of the day. This will make it easy to put everything away quickly and easily.
  • Create a designated spot for your keys, purse/wallet, and other items that you need to leave the house with every day. This will help you to avoid scrambling to find things at the last minute.
  • Have a regular cleaning schedule and stick to it. This will help to keep your home clean and organised without getting overwhelmed.
  • Get the whole family involved in organising and cleaning. This will make the task easier and faster for everyone.

Organising your home can take some time and effort, but it’s worth it in the long run. An organised home is a more relaxing and enjoyable place to live.

Remember, an organised home isn’t just a space; it’s a lively, well-orchestrated party for your belongings! Let the organisational festivities begin!

If these hints and tips have helped then don’t forget to give us a thumbs up over on our Facebook Page

Take care, stay safe.

Becks xo